La Fabrique des Genres

Listen to “La Fabrique des Genres“, a project made by the student of the 5e Hamilton of the Joliot-Curie middle-school in Pantin.  The students discuss their views on gender equality through a number of testimonies, stories and interviews.

In middle-school, gender roles are often exacerbated and even stereotypical. The way the students wander through the building is dictated by their gender, creating two different apprehensions of the place, known by all but kept quiet. Middle school can therefore be seen as a stage on which the exterior world is re-enacted, showing the gender tensions that the students have come in contact with in their family, on TV, in the streets and in society in general. Through their teenage years, young people become more sensible to the relationships between boys and girls and they grow more concerned with their body. The way one occupies a space, roams around and moves around sheds light on these tensions as the body tells the tale of the place it occupies in society.

This workshop was led by Anna Belguermi, and was part of the cursus « parcours Culture et Art au Collège », an initiative of the Seine-Saint-Denis department.